Future Spinner on the Loose

I have long admired those who can deftly handle a drop spindle and ably turn a mountain of fluff into usable material. This timeless craft is so hypnotizing to watch with the added bonus of creating something useful. Textiles and fiber crafts are so ingrained in my existence that I could not stay away from spinning anymore. I want to be closer to my materials. I want to be a part of the process. I want to know that I am creating something natural. So I bought a spindle and a pound of fiber. I am ready to begin.

Schacht Hi-Lo Spindle-- Just ordered and on its way to my itching fingers.

Schacht Hi-Lo Spindle– Just ordered and on its way to my itching fingers.

There is something really enticing about being part of a reviving tradition. In a world where everything is outsourced and manufactured to be devoid of originality and charm I find great value in hand crafts and am so glad that I have come from a familial background that supports them.

6 thoughts on “Future Spinner on the Loose

  1. Sounds like fun!
    For the life of me, I just could not get the hang of a drop spindle. I pride myself on being able to teach myself anything fiber related, but I may have to attend a class or find somebody at my LYS to show me. Have fun with your new spindle!

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